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, by Charles Chaplin

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Product details
File Size: 2299 KB
Print Length: 528 pages
Publisher: Melville House; Reprint edition (December 26, 2012)
Publication Date: December 26, 2012
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
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I thoroughly enjoyed this autobiography by Charlie Chaplin in his own words. It's an interesting and intriguing read about his life from his own perspective and first-hand knowledge of events that you cannot get from any biography. With him being a film maker, his writing style keeps you very interested and engrossed from beginning to finish. He truly lived a remarkable life. I love his very matter of fact way of presenting the events in his life. It definitely puts everything that happened to him in perspective.[SPOILER ALERT!]I especially loved reading the parts about him going unrecognized dressed as himself. He was humbled when he first found out how popular he truly was. He went unrecognized on a train until it became known he was on the train. He was even the last in line for the washroom and waited in line like everyone else. There was another time when he was in NY that a cab driver drove him around all night looking for a hotel. He was trying to avoid people at his hotel but all the hotels were full. The cab driver, not recognizing him, invited him to stay with him and his family. Charlie hesitated but decided to trust him. The cab driver and his family were very surprised and happy to have him stay there as their guest. The accommodations were humble but better than what he had as a boy in London so he didn't complain.As for the scandal in his life, he talks about it in a very matter of fact way. Even he admitted he wasn't a total angel. However, hearing it from his side, shame on the US press, legal system, and government for the way they treated him. He did not deserve that! With his first 2 divorces, his young naive wives were manipulated by greedy lawyers who just saw dollar signs. So they dragged his name through the mud and scandalized the whole thing to get as much out of him as they could. The Joan Barry trial and family court hearings were used by the FBI to try to tarnish his name further. He was thankfully cleared of all criminal charges. However, in family court, he wasn't so lucky. Blood tests proved he wasn't the father of Joan Barry's child; but they were inadmissible in court at that time. Therefore, with circumstantial evidence alone, he was ruled as the father and had to pay child support. Unbelievable! Today Joan Barry would have had stalking and harassment charges brought against her. What a nut!The Communist accusations were a huge miscarriage of justice. He was not a Communist aka enemy of the US. If he had joined a US political party, I believe he would have been a Liberal Democrat. He may have associated with Communists, but that's guilt by association. He had fans and friends who were Communists before it was considered a dirty word. And he didn't believe in snubbing them when it did become a dirty word. Charlie was a humanitarian. Nothing more! He wanted to help people and help make the world a better place by pulling down barriers. He promoted peace and pointed out the evils in this world to try to get people thinking about them. His hope was perhaps they would see the evils and do something to change things for the better. Nothing wrong with that. His films are still relevant today because they are about human nature. The reason they are so hilarious is because there is so much truth in them, even today. As he put it (paraphrasing), the only thing he was guilty of was being a nonconformist. Amen to that! He was a rebel. I admire that about him because I'm a bit of a rebel myself. It took a lot of courage for him to speak the truth.I'm just glad he was finally vindicated of all of this 20 years after he left the US. He received a lifetime achievement Academy Award in 1972 and was invited to the US to receive that award. However, this autobiography was written prior to that happening. Also, when the FBI files were released to the public 50 years later, there was no evidence found that proved he was a Communist either. Despite this, it just saddens and infuriates me that he was treated so poorly. Just imagine how many more films he might have made if he hadn't gone through all that. His three films after The Great Dictator were either boycotted or banned in the US for years. They are real gems! Great films that I am so glad I had the opportunity to watch and own copies of them.After reading about his near death experiences, he definitely had someone looking out for him. He had a sixth sense about his safety, even as a child, and had some near misses. That explains why he was an agnostic. With the experiences he had, he had to believe there was a higher power out there. He was saved, I believe, because he had a purpose. His movies speak for themselves in this case. He spoke the truth and gave laughter and hope when there was none.He was not only a great comedian, but also a great visionary and artist who had the courage to pave his own path and not conform to society's norms. Because of this, his movies will remain relevant for many years to come.
The first part of his youth was interesting and Great THEN something happened. The personality of the book just shuts DOWN. Chapter upon chapter reads like a diary of meetings and dinners and luncheons. Traveling and frustration to come up with a new movie. When it came to any personal Connections Zilch !! Paulet whom he married got 2 sentences on their break up. The others in his life got detailed descriptions of their teeth. A whole third of the book was his Political feelings and what he did with them. I have Not finished this very long and boring book. I am up to the last wife. I hope it ends with more Joy and much Less humdrum stuff I could have read on the Internet. Don't bother ! The Movie was so good with Robert Downey Jr. Invest in THAT !!!!
What a wonderful book! I believe it was the first book to clarify his birth place (Walworth London England) and that Charles Spencer Chaplin was his real name. There were crazy rumors that he was born in France or that he was Jewish and that he actually had an outlandish foreign name. I think that this book is vital for anyone who likes Charlie Chaplin, or just old Hollywood in general. After all Chaplin was the most famous man on earth in the early 1900's. I also think that this book is sorely underrated, most likely because there are so many hundreds of books written about him, that his autobiography seems like just a minor step. But what's better than hearing his own account, own words and thoughts about his own life? No one knows him better than himself, and this book is definitely vital for any Chaplin lover.
After seeing the movie Chaplin (which was a superb movie), I decided to purchase this autobiography of Charlie Chaplin. Before I purchased this book, I had considered other books about Charlie Chaplin but they were not written by Charlie Chaplin. This book is warm and honest and I enjoyed it so much, it was hard to put it down.This is a beautifully done autobiography of of a very special man Charlie Chaplin.
Fascinating to learn about his childhood. Although his childhood takes up slightly more than one third of the book I could not put the book down. He explains his process for writing, directing, producing, composing, etc.. A little too much name dropping, but I guess he had the right to be so proud of keeping company with Einstein, Churchill, Kings, etc. I now realize that many classic comedy routines actually came from Chaplin, for example the candy assembly line where Lucy couldn't keep up. That came from Chaplin. In all an amazing read.
How could it not be compelling to learn what a world-renowned genius entertainer has to say about himself? One does not need to take every word at face value in order to appreciate Chaplin's vivid writing and extraordinary rags to riches story - and well-deserved riches they were. On finishing the book I immediately read the Wicki biography and while there are many ugly details to his life, he was candid enough in his autobiography and was wise not to stuff it with every unpleasant incident and frenetic headline.How remarkable it is that he and his brother overcame their Dickensian childhood. He brings you into the story so well that it's a great relief to see him emerge into a life of material well-being and recognition as a great artist, bringing joy and laughter to millions all over the world. I'm moved to see his films all over again.
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